Meet Tuck, Your Growth Marketing Expert

Tuck Ross

Marketing Strategist

Digital Marketing
Content Marketing
Consumer Engagement

About me

Hi there! I'm Tuck, your go-to growth marketing expert with over 20 years of experience in consumer-centric environments. I've had the pleasure of leading strategic marketing programs at renowned companies such as Disney, Hasbro, and Guitar Center, where I've driven innovation and achieved results in marketing, digital, e-commerce, retail, product, and management roles.

How I can help

Need help with boosting your brand’s awareness or improving your customer acquisition and retention strategies? Whether you're a marketing manager at an early-stage company or a solo founder looking to hack your own marketing, I've got you covered.

Here are some ideas of questions you can ask me:

  • “I’m looking for creative ways to get the word out about my product. Do you have examples of clever growth tactics I can use for inspiration? For context, I work for an ed-tech company and we have launched a new learning path.”
  • “I’d love some info on your best resources for learning more about Brand Archetypes! I’m wanting to learn more and would love to really become an expert in this area, what's the best way to balance archetypes (human psychology), design thinking and UI/UX?”
  • “How can my team balance the use of automation and personalization in our marketing communications?”